WPLC Digital Collection Patron Survey - Further Understanding Library Users

In addition to the recommendations that triggered changes to the buying pool, other interesting pieces of data were revealed about our patrons from the WPLC Digital Collections Patron Survey:

  • 13% of respondents who do use the library do not check out ebooks.  The vast majority of that 13% exclusively check out audiobooks, and this information contributed to the decision to allocate more funds to audiobooks from the buying pool.
  • Of those that do check out ebooks, the quantity of checkouts is fairly evenly distributed between the four options provided to respondents
    • fewer than 5
    • 6-10
    • 11-20
    • more than 20
  • Most have either checked out fewer than five (45%) or more than 20 (29%) books from their physical library in the last six months.
  • Most have purchased fewer than 5 books (71%) in the last six months.
  • The three most popular ebook genres are Bestselling Fiction (1410 respondents), Mystery/Thriller (1117), and Romance (659); the least popular are Travel (139), Business (97), Information Technology (59).