OverDrive updates – September 23, 2015

Below is a summary of updates for Wisconsin's Digital Library website that are now live.

  • The copy on the Download button has been changed when borrowing titles in the Android, iOS, and Chromebook app experience. Users will now see the option to “Add to App” instead of “Download.” This wording is more consistent with the user’s actual in-app experience.
  • On the title details page for simultaneous use content, the text in the "Copies" box will just say "Always available” instead of displaying both "Available" and "Library Copies" as always available.
  • On desktop-sized screens, the confirmation message that appears when you borrow a title has been enlarged to increase its visibility.
  • The ability to jump to the first or last page of your search results pages (including the wish list) has been added.
  • Bug fixes.