clark's blog

WPLC Digital Library Patron Survey Live

Today, the WPLC launched the annual patron survey. A link to the survey can be found on the top of the homepage for Wisconsin's Digital Library OverDrive mobile and desktop sites, so users on computers and mobile devices using the OverDrive app can find it. Unfortunately, we are still unable to add a link to the survey in Libby.

Default Lending Period Change

At their last meeting, the WPLC Digital Library Steering Committee voted to change the default lending period for new users from 7 days to 14 for both audio and ebooks.

This change has been made and will take effect immediately for new users.

WPLC Pandemic Usage Data

At the Annual Membership meeting in May, usage stats during the pandemic for Wisconsin's Digital Library were shared. An update of those stats, through June 2020, has been compiled.

The WPLC has seen checkouts increased by 23% from February to a peak in April. While May and June checkouts are lower than April, they remain higher than before the pandemic.

Both new users and unique users have increased as well. 

The full stats with charts can be found here.


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