WPLC Digital Collections Surveys - Some Findings

Earlier this year, the WPLC deployed two surveys - one of patrons, and one of librarians - to gather input on how the collection in Wisconsin's Digital Library should grow in order to be the most useful collection possible.  Both surveys revealed some interesting and very helpful information that will influence the policies and practices for the digital library.  Over the next few months, a couple times a month, we'll be sharing some of those findings through a series of blog posts.  If you're interested in seeing more about the findings, you can view the library survey overview or the patron survey overview.

The patron survey, which ran from February 2-16, had 3117 responses.  Of those, 9.4% do not use the library and the most common reason they selected to describe why not was that they didn’t know the library existed (44%).

The library survey ran from February 23 through March 13th and 225 responded, including staff from 14 of the 17 systems and 105 of Wisconsin's 384 public libraries.

Stay tuned for more snippets from these surveys!