The WPLC 2016 Digital Collections Patron Survey is Live!

We are pleased to share that the WPLC 2016 Digital Collections Patron Survey is up and running!

The WPLC Digital Collections Work Group has initiated the annual survey to gather input from patrons for future directions for Wisconsin's Digital Library’s collection.  The survey began this morning and will be open through February 11th. It can be found at:

The survey is linked and available to patrons through Wisconsin’s Digital Library.  Like last year, the Work Group will also be surveying library staff in the state to get your opinions on the collection as well, and that survey will be available in late February.

The Work Group has also created some messaging and print flyers to make it easier for you to share the survey with your community to increase patron participation, but feel free to edit them or create your own, too.

Thank you for helping get the word out!

