Barnes & Noble Discontinuing App Store March 15th

Barnes & Noble has recently announced that, effective March 15th, it will be shutting down its app store for third-party apps.  This will not affect users of the NOOK app for OverDrive periodicals (which is still available through Google Play, iTunes, and the Windows Store), but it will impact some of our users in the following ways:

1) The latest OverDrive app update, v3.5.2, in the NOOK Apps store will be the last update available to users who installed the app using the NOOK Apps store. Any users who installed the app using the Google Play store will continue to receive app updates when OverDrive releases them.
2) New NOOK users will have to install the OverDrive app from the Google Play store.

3) Older NOOK devices that cannot access the Google Play store (like the NOOK Color and NOOK Tablet) will no longer be able to install or update the OverDrive app. Users can still use Adobe Digital Editions to transfer EPUB eBooks to these devices.

Please email with any questions.
