Take a Survey on OverDrive Training

OverDrive is gathering information about the training and education we provide to you, our valued library and school partners. We appreciate your insight and have some questions to ask about your experience so that we may improve the digital library training we offer to you.

To help you answer these questions, think back to previous modules and courses OverDrive has offered or if you’re new to OverDrive, think about what kind of training you want to see. We want to know what topics you are most interested in, which training formats you prefer, how long you prefer a training to be, and whether or not you like the traditional September ‘Training Month’ or might be interested in a new approach.

The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Your answers will remain confidential and will only be used to help us make decisions about future training.

Click on this link to take the survey. Please respond by Friday, April 5th.

We thank you in advance for your time and attention.

The OverDrive Training Team