OverDrive news

Penguin eBooks are now downloadable for Kindle without USB

As previously announced, the USB side-loading requirement for Penguin eBooks on Kindle devices has been lifted. Today, we are pleased to inform our partners and end-users that direct downloads of Penguin eBooks in Kindle format for U.S. library accounts are now standard. This means that these titles will have the same ease of use as all other publishers’ eBooks, without the need for USB loading.

Hot Holiday Device Training from OverDrive

OverDrive is offering two 30 minute sessions covering this season’s most popular tablets, eReaders and more to help libraries prepare for the holiday rush of new users and their devices. The first is on Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 6:00 CST and the second is on Thursday, Dec. 5th at 2:00 CST. You can register for one of these sessions by visiting http://partners.overdrive.com/learning-center/live-sessions/.

OverDrive Media Station now available!

Promote eBooks in your library

OverDrive Media Station (OMS), an in-library discovery kiosk for browsing and sampling eBooks, audiobooks, music and video, is now available for OverDrive public library partners. Launched in a pilot program earlier this year, OMS is live in 50 libraries in five countries. The touchscreens offer a new and exciting way to introduce your eBook collection and turn library visitors into digital library users.


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